xTool F1 Laser Engraver Review: Performance and Precision

xTool F1 laser cutter review.

The xTool F1 is for those who want a portable and powerful laser engraver. Power to engrave and cut a ton of different materials. Along with robust, easy-to-use software for the first-time laser owner, the xTool F1 proves it’s worthy of consideration. In this full review of the xTool F1 laser cutter, I’ll go over … Read more

Introduction to Laser Cutting for Kids: Basics & Crafts!

Introduction to Laser Cutting for Kids.

Laser cutting is like using a super-thin, super-focused beam of light to slice through materials like a hot knife through butter, except it’s so precise it can create intricate designs and shapes. It’s a method that has changed how things are made, from huge ships to delicate jewelry. Picture a computer guiding a powerful laser … Read more

Best STEM Subscription Boxes for Kids: Hands-On Reviews

Best STEM Subscription Boxes

STEM subscription boxes are a fun and engaging way for kids to learn about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. You can think of these subscription-based kits as mini classrooms sent straight to the home, giving children a hands-on approach to learning. Each month, they receive a new box filled with STEM activities and projects designed … Read more

Coding for Kids: How Long Does It Take to Learn Coding?

Coding for kids

Well…it is not going to be overnight, but it’s going to be a fun journey! That being said, it also does not have to take years – your kid does not have to have graduated college to code at least something! It really depends on how old they are, how much of an interest/aptitude they … Read more

10 Ways to Supercharge Your Child’s Science Skills

Ways to Supercharge Your Child’s Science Skills

When one holds their baby for the first time, it never occurs to them that they might have a science mastermind at their bosom. Scratch that- the wild tufts of their post-nap hair made your little angel look like Albert Einstein for a second. Children no sooner come to the world than their innate love … Read more

STEM Toys That Will Dominate the 2023 Holiday Season

STEM toy buyers guide

STEM toys kids build a foundation of real-world problem-solving skills using creativity, logic, and collaboration. STEM toys challenge young minds with them, giving little thought to learning. You can say they are detractions the same way playing sports are a form of exercise. Playing while learning is the best way of learning. Our STEM toy … Read more

Makeblock mBot Neo Review: Make This Your First Coding Robot

Makeblock mBot Neo Review

The mBot Neo is a great way to enhance your child’s hands-on concentration, logical thinking, and creativity. Learning a valuable skill like coding will increase opportunities, especially for children. It’s a fact coding is the way of the future; it’s going to be as necessary as learning to read. The great thing about it, learning … Read more

How Can STEM Education Shape the Future

Think of the great inventors and geniuses from the past: Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Albert Einstein. Did you know that each of these men had traditional schooling, with some not even finishing? Even though they were born, natural thinkers and innovators think:  How could their schooling have been different if they had a STEM education?  … Read more

How STEM Education Improves Student Learning

How STEM Education Improves Student Learning

Why should a child learn STEM? Perhaps they aren’t particularly interested in timetables or the periodic table (I know I wasn’t when I was a kid!), and you don’t want to force it on them. Or maybe it doesn’t seem very applicable to their daily experiences. Regardless of this perception, STEM has benefits that will … Read more

Teaching Strategies & Tips for Gifted Students: What You Need To Know

Teaching Strategies & Tips for Gifted Students

There is a common misconception that gifted students have it easy in school, but this is not always the case. School environments often challenge gifted learners and require informed, targeted support from teachers to thrive. Consider the story of Adhara Pérez Sánchez, the girl with a higher IQ than Einstein who struggled terribly in school before … Read more