Krystal DeVille
Famous Events That Happened in the 70s
I’m always been captivated by the past; I often find myself thinking about the iconic moments that shaped our world. ...
Essential Life Lessons Kids Can Learn from Sports
Are you looking for ways to teach your kids important life lessons? Look no further than the world of sports! ...
10 Honest Reasons People Confessed They Look Down on Homeschooling
Homeschooling is a popular alternative to traditional education for parents who want more control over their children’s education. However, it ...
10 Ways These Women’s Careers Went After Being STEM Majors in College
More women are entering the STEM fields. Still, there are challenges that many face at some point in their career. ...
10 Reasons Parents Get So Mad at Little Things Instead of Calmly Correcting the Action
Most parents are guilty of snapping at their children at some point. Often, the most minor action is what earns ...
Effective Strategies for Dealing with Bullying in Schools
Bullying is a serious issue that affects children and adolescents in schools worldwide. It can profoundly affect a student’s mental ...
Why Are Kids so Energetic: How to Channel Their Energy
Have you ever been awakened by your kid gently pulling open your right eyelid at six o’clock in the morning? ...
College Majors With the Highest Unemployment Rate
Teens and their parents wonder whether a college education is worth the time, effort, and student loan debt. Unemployment rates ...
What’s Wrong With STEM Education: How to Address the Problems
If there is one area of education that is filled with accusations of being inadequate in the US, it would ...
10 Big Things That Announce You’re a Terrible Parent
Parenting is hard, and without sounding too judgmental, so much of what we see daily can make us wonder what ...