Old Science Myths You Probably Believe, But Aren’t True

Krystal DeVille

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Science has made incredible progress in unraveling the mysteries of our world, but there are still some persistent myths that have managed to stick around. In this article, we’ll debunk ten common science myths that you might not realize are actually false. By busting these misconceptions, we can deepen our understanding of scientific principles and separate fact from fiction. Let’s explore these old science myths and set the record straight.

We Only Use 10% of Our Brain

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Contrary to popular belief, we actually use the majority of our brain’s capacity. Different brain regions are active during various tasks and activities, debunking the notion that we only utilize a small fraction.

Different Parts of the Tongue Taste Different Tastes

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You might have heard that certain tastes can only be detected on specific parts of the tongue, but that’s simply not true. Taste buds are evenly distributed across the tongue, allowing us to experience all flavors equally.

Lightning Never Strikes the Same Place Twice

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This saying has stuck around, but lightning can strike the same spot multiple times, especially tall structures or areas with high conductivity. The idea that it never happens twice is a misconception.

Shaving Makes Hair Grow Thicker and Faster

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You’ve probably been told that shaving causes hair to grow back thicker and faster, but that’s a myth. Shaving only affects the appearance of hair regrowth, giving it a blunt edge, but it doesn’t alter its actual growth rate or thickness.

Goldfish Have a Three-Second Memory

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Contrary to the belief that goldfish have a memory span of only three seconds, they actually have a memory that can last for several months. They can remember and learn various tasks and respond to their environment.

Bulls Get Angry at the Color Red

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Despite what cartoons and movies might suggest, bulls aren’t specifically enraged by the color red. Their aggression is primarily triggered by the movement of the matador’s cape, regardless of its color.

Cracking Your Knuckles Causes Arthritis

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Don’t worry about cracking your knuckles, leading to arthritis. The cracking sound is caused by the release of gas bubbles in the joints and has no long-term negative effects on joint health.

The Great Wall of China Is Visible from Space

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Contrary to popular belief, you can’t spot the Great Wall of China from space with the naked eye. While it’s an impressive structure, it’s difficult to see any specific human-made object from such a distance.

Bats Are Blind

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Bats have been unfairly labeled as blind creatures, but that’s far from the truth. In fact, many bat species have excellent vision. However, they also rely on echolocation to navigate and find prey in the dark.

You Lose Most of Your Body Heat Through Your Head

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Although it’s important to cover your head in chilly weather, the notion that you lose most of your body heat through your head alone is incorrect. Heat loss occurs proportionally from any exposed part of your body.

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